Innovation in Agricultural Insurance: Linkages to Microfinance

11.01.2007 762 views
Jerry R.Skees, University of Kentucky, GlobalAgRisk, Inc.

This paper was prepared to complement a presentation made by Jerry Skees at a microfinance conference in Santa Cruz, Bolivia on May 11, 2004. Some sections of this paper also appear in a more detailed paper by Skees presented at the USAID conference entitled “Paving the Way Forward”, June 2003. The ideas are copyrighted by Jerry Skees. Please email your comments to  Anne Goes and Celeste Sullivan provided valuable assistance in drafting and editing this paper.

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This paper reviews an important innovation that provides unique opportunities for microfinance entities (MFEs) to manage correlated risk and expand their ability to assist rural households. The use of index insurance contracts to shift correlated natural disaster risk into global markets offers some promise for MFEs. Index-based insurance involves making insurance payments based upon an independent measure that is highly correlated with losses. When insurance payments are made based upon an independent measure of losses, the need for monitoring individual behavior is significantly reduced as compared to traditional approaches to insurance. Linking index insurance to microfinance activities could facilitate improved risk taking behavior and expansion of services for MFEs.

Rural financial markets in emerging and developing economies face numerous challenges. Managing and coping with risks are among the most significant challenges. Effective financial markets should include both banking and insurance markets. Banking allows for ex post borrowing to smooth disruptions in consumption that result from unexpected shocks (risk) that beset a rural household. Insurance allows for ex ante indemnity payments for well-specified risk events that also disrupt consumption.

Financial markets are largely about pooling risk. In banking, users have the opportunity to save and borrow. Pooling savings allows banks to loan to individuals who need funds most urgently. When a household needs to borrow funds they must pay interest. With insurance, rather than having a group of investors, a firm collects premiums from many individuals so that unfortunate individuals in the group can be paid when bad luck besets them. In either case, if everyone has bad luck and needs funds at the same time, the insurance solution cannot work. Thus, to the extent that rural financial markets are capable of pooling risk, the risks that are pooled must be independent (i.e., the groups participating cannot have bad luck at the same time). A major advantage of microfinance entities and other forms of collective action has been the ability to pool risk. However, correlated risk can not be pooled. Small and geographically concentrated MFEs are simply not capable of pooling and managing correlated risk on their own.

Agriculture remains a dominant activity in many rural economies of the poorest nations in the world. A large majority of the poorest households in the world are directly linked to agriculture in some fashion. Risks in agriculture are most certainly not independent in nature. When one household suffers bad fortune it is likely that many are suffering. These common risks are referred to as correlated risk. When agricultural commodity prices decline everyone faces a lower price. When there is a natural disaster that destroys either crops or livestock, many suffer. Insurance markets are sorely lacking in most developing and emerging economies, and rarely do local insurance markets emerge to address correlated risk problems.

If a group of individuals working within a MFE purchase either price insurance (via put options) or yield insurance (via index insurance with indemnity payments based upon extreme weather events), there are opportunities to mitigate the basis risk. The collective group could form a mutual insurance company or they could be involved in formal or informal lending to members of the group. As will be developed below, the use of innovations presented in this paper could clear the way for blending mutual banking and financial innovations at a local level (Mahul, 2002). The focus of the conceptual model presented here will be on localized rural finance (both formal and informal). Still, the risk management instruments that are introduced have a wider application: They can be used by larger MFEs as well as by individual households.[1]

Linking the use of risk-shifting innovations that are being tried around the world directly to rural finance has been largely missing. This paper builds a set of recommendations for using index insurance and, in some cases, futures markets in combination with rural finance. The intent is for the MFE to have the opportunity to purchase index insurance and put options to protect against the correlated risk of crop disaster, livestock deaths due to natural disasters, and commodity price declines. The indemnity payments can be used by the small local banking interest to 1) protect against credit defaults that follow a risk event; 2) facilitate a form of mutual insurance, and 3) offer lower interest rates after the risk event.

What is the Innovation?

Index-based insurance products are an alternative form of insurance that make payments based not on measures of farm yields, but rather on either area yields or some objective weather event such as temperature or rainfall. Index insurance products are similar to several other innovations in global financial markets (e.g. use of CAT Bonds for natural disaster risk; emergence of weather markets; etc.). The major motivation for using index based insurance products rather than traditional agricultural insurance is well documented (Skees, Hazell, and Miranda).

In some situations, index insurance offers superior risk protection when compared to traditional multiple-peril crop insurance that pays indemnities based on individual farm yields. This happens when the provider of traditional insurance must impose large deductibles. A deductible basically means that the insurance policy will not pay until the loss is very serious. Deductibles and co-payments (or partial payment for losses) are commonly used to combat adverse selection and moral hazard problems. Since these problems are not present with index insurance, there is less need for deductibles and co-payments.

Index insurance provides an effective policy alternative as it seeks to protect the agricultural production sector from widespread, positively correlated, crop-yield losses (e.g., drought). When index insurance is used to shift the risk of widespread crop losses to financial and reinsurance markets, the residual idiosyncratic risk often has characteristics that make it more likely that rural banks can work to smooth consumption shortfalls with loans.

Two types of index insurance products are considered; those that are based on area yields where the area is some unit of geographical aggregation larger than the farm, and those that are based on weather events. An area-based yield contract has been offered in the United States since 1993. This policy was developed by the author and is named the Group Risk Plan (GRP). There are numerous ways to calculate payments on index contracts (Skees, 2000).

Expected county yields are estimated using up to 45 years of historical county yield data. For GRP, liability is calculated as where Expected County Revenue per Acre in the equation above is equal to the product of the official estimate of price and expected county yield per acre and Scale is chosen by the policyholder but is limited to between 90 and 150 percent.[2]

To be clear, an example of how the Group Risk Plan works is in order. Estimates of the county yield are made using forecasting procedures that account for trends in yields due to technology. If the corn yield forecast for the county yield is 100 bushels, the farmer can obtain a contract that will pay any time the actual estimate of the county yield is below 90 bushels (the trigger= 90 bushels). Assume that the expected price on corn is $2.00 per bushel. The farmer can purchase a liability that is equal to 150 percent of the product of the expected county yield and the expected price, times their acres planted. The calculations for a farmer with 100 acres follow:

   Liability = 100 x $2 x 1.5 x 100; or $30,000

If the farmer has a yield average that is above the county they have incentives to purchase the maximum protection or liability by using the maximum scale factor of 1.5. For a farmer who purchases a 90 percent coverage level, indemnity payments will be calculated by multiplying the percent shortfall in county yields times the $30,000 of liability. Thus, if the realized estimate of county yields for the year is 60 bushel (which is 1/3 below the 90 bushel trigger) the indemnity payment calculation is

  Indemnity = (90 -60) / 90 * $30,000; or $10,000

Premium payments are based upon premium rates. Thus, if the rate is 5 percent for the 90 percent coverage level policy, the calculations for the premium would be

  Premium = .05 x $30,000; or $1,500.

Of course, one could easily adapt this contract design to any number of other indexes such as aggregate rainfall measured over a stated period at a specific weather station or the number of days with temperatures above or below a specified level. The contract design used in GRP is sometimes called a “proportional contract” because the loss is measured as a percentage of the trigger. Proportional contracts contain an interesting feature called a “disappearing deductible.”  As the realized index approaches zero, the indemnity approaches 100 percent of liability, regardless of the coverage chosen.

The weather markets developed contracts that look very much like what Martin et al. (2001) proposed. They use unique language that is very similar to that used in futures markets. For example, rather than referring to the threshold where payments will begin as a ”trigger,” they refer to it as the ”strike.” In an attempt to make things more straightforward, they also pay in increments or what is referred to as ‘ticks’ in the exchange market world. Consider a situation where a contract is being written to protect against shortfall in rain. The writer of that contract may choose to make a fixed payment for every 1 mm of rainfall below the strike/trigger. If an individual or a MFE purchase a contract where the strike/trigger is 100 mm of rain and the limit is 50 mm, the amount of payment for each tick would be a function of how much liability was purchased. There are 50 ticks between the 100 mm and the limit of 50 mm. Thus, if $50,000 of insurance were purchased, the payment for each 1 mm below 100 mm would be equal to

  $50,000/(100-50) or $1,000

Once the tick and the payment for each tick are known, the indemnity payments are easy to calculate. For example, if the rainfall is measured at 90 mm, there are 10 ticks of payment at $1,000 each; the indemnity payment will equal $10,000. Figure 1 maps the payout structure for a hypothetical $50,000 rainfall contract with a strike of 100 mm and a limit of 50 mm.

Experience with Index Insurance

Various area-yield insurance products have been offered in Quebec, Canada, Sweden, India, and, since 1993, in the United States (Miranda, 1991; Mishra, 1997; Skees, Black, and Barnett, 1997). Ontario, Canada currently offers an index insurance instrument based on rainfall. The Canadians are also experimenting with other index insurance plans. Alberta corn growers can use a temperature-based index to insure against yield losses in corn. Alberta is also using an index, based on satellite imagery to insure against pasture losses. Mexico is the first non-developed country to enter into a reinsurance arrangement that was based on weather derivatives.

In the United States, participation in the area-yield based Group Risk Plan has been relatively low. Nonetheless, in 2003, over 18 million acres were insured under GRP or the GRIP (Group Revenue Insurance Program). Participation is strongest is some markets where sales agents have focused on GRP. The loss experience (indemnities divided by premiums) since the introduction of GRP has been good, around 90 percent.

The Ontario rainfall insurance product was fully subscribed in the first year that it was introduced (2000). However, this is a limited pilot test of only 150 farmers and the product was introduced following a major drought. By 2001, 235 farmers had purchased about $5.5 million in liability with payments of $1.9 million.[3] This policy was targeted toward alfalfa hay production. Alberta has also introduced a rainfall index insurance product for forage production. This contract has been available for two years. In 2002, over 4000 ranchers subscribed to the contract.

For many emerging economies or developing countries, weather index insurance merits consideration (Hazell, 1992; Skees, Hazell, and Miranda, 1999). While basis risk may generally be lower with area-yield index insurance, there are several reasons why weather index insurance may be preferable in a developing or emerging economy. First, the quality of historical weather data is generally much better than the quality of yield data in developing countries. Quality data are essential in pricing an insurance contract. Second, it may be less costly to set up a system to measure weather events for specific locations than to develop a reliable yield estimation procedure for small geographical areas. Finally, either insufficient or excess rainfall is a major source of risk for crop losses in many regions. Drought causes low yields and excess rainfall can cause either low yields or serious losses of yield and quality during harvest (Martin, Barnett, and Coble, 2001).

The World Bank Group is pursuing the feasibility of rainfall index insurance in a number of countries. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank is interested in supporting these innovations so that developing countries can participate in emerging weather markets. The feasibility of weather-based index insurance is being considered for a number of countries, including Nicaragua, Morocco, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Tunisia, Mexico, and Argentina. The most progress has been made in India as is developed below.

A major challenge in designing an index insurance product is minimizing basis risk. The phrase “basis risk” is most commonly heard in reference to commodity futures markets. In that context, “basis” is the difference between the futures market price for the commodity and the cash market price in a given location. Basis risk also occurs in insurance. It occurs when an insured has a loss and does not receive an insurance payment sufficient to cover the loss (minus any deductible). It also occurs when an insured has a loss and receives a payment that exceeds the amount of loss.

Since index insurance indemnities are triggered by area-yield shortfalls or weather events, an index insurance policyholder can experience a yield loss and not receive an indemnity. The policyholder may also not experience a farm-yield loss and yet, receive an indemnity. The effectiveness of index insurance as a risk management tool depends on how positively correlated farm-yield losses are with the underlying area yield or weather index. In general, the more homogeneous the area, the lower the basis risk and the more effective area-yield insurance will be as a farm-yield risk management tool. Similarly, the more a given weather index actually represents weather events on the farm, the more effective the index will be as farm-yield risk management tool.

While most of the academic literature has focused on basis risk for index type insurance products, it is important to recognize that farm-level multiple-peril crop insurance has basis risk as well. To begin, a very small sample size is used to develop estimates of the central tendency in yields. Given simple statistics about the error of the estimates with small samples, it can be easily demonstrated that large mistakes are made on estimating central tendency. This makes it possible for farmers to receive insurance payments when yield losses have not occurred. It is also possible for farmers to not receive payments when payable losses have occurred. Thus, basis risk occurs not only in index insurance but also in farm-level yield insurance.

Another type of basis risk results from the estimate of realized yield. Even with careful farm-level loss adjustment procedures, it is impossible to avoid errors in estimating the true realized yield. These errors can also result in under- and over-payments. Between the two sources of error, measuring expected yields and measuring realized yields, farm-level crop insurance programs also have significant basis risk.

Longer series of data are generally available for area yields or weather events than for farm yields. The standard deviation of area yields is also lower than that of farm yields. Since the number of observations (n) is higher and s (the standard deviation) is lower, the square root of n rule suggests that there will be less measurement error for area-yield insurance than for farm-yield insurance in estimating both the central tendency and the realization. In most developing countries, long series of weather data are available.

Summary of Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of Index Insurance

Index contracts offer numerous advantages over more traditional forms of farm-level multiple-peril crop insurance. These advantages include

1.      No moral hazard:  Moral hazard arises with traditional insurance when insured parties can alter their behavior so as to increase the potential likelihood or magnitude of a loss. This is not possible with index insurance because the indemnity does not depend on the individual producer’s realized yield.

2.      No adverse selection:  Adverse selection is a misclassification problem caused by asymmetric information. If the potential insured has better information than the insurer about the potential likelihood or magnitude of a loss, the potential insured can use that information to self-select whether or not to purchase insurance. Index insurance on the other hand is based on widely available information, so there are no informational asymmetries to be exploited.

3.      Low administrative costs:  Unlike farm-level multiple-peril crop insurance policies, index insurance products do not require underwriting and inspections of individual farms. Indemnities are paid solely on the realized value of the underlying index as measured by government agencies or other third parties.

4.      Standardized and transparent structure:  Index insurance policies can be sold in various denominations as simple certificates with a structure that is uniform across underlying indexes. The terms of the contracts would therefore be relatively easy for purchasers to understand.

5.      Availability and negotiability:  Since they are standardized and transparent, index insurance policies can easily be traded in secondary markets. Such markets would create liquidity and allow policies to flow where they are most highly valued. Individuals could buy or sell policies as the realization of the underlying index begins to unfold. Moreover, the contracts could be made available to a wide variety of parties, including farmers, agricultural lenders, traders, processors, input suppliers, shopkeepers, consumers, and agricultural workers.

6.      Reinsurance function:  Index insurance can be used to transfer the risk of widespread correlated agricultural production losses. Thus, it can be used as a mechanism to reinsure insurance company portfolios of farm-level insurance policies. Index insurance instruments allow farm-level insurers to transfer their exposure to undiversifiable correlated loss risk while retaining the residual risk that is idiosyncratic and diversifiable (Black, Barnett, and Hu, 1999).

There are also challenges that must be addressed if index insurance markets are to be successful.

1.      Basis Risk:  The occurrence of basis risk depends on the extent to which the insured’s losses are positively correlated with the index. Without sufficient correlation, “basis risk” becomes too severe, and index insurance is not an effective risk management tool. Careful design of index insurance policy parameters (coverage period, trigger, measurement site, etc.) can help reduce basis risk. Selling the index insurance to microfinance or other collective groups can also pass the issue of basis risk to a local group that can develop mutual insurance at some level. Such a group is in the best position to know their neighbors and determine how to allocate index insurance payments within the group.

2.      Security and dissemination of measurements:  The viability of index insurance depends critically on the underlying index being objectively and accurately measured. The index measurements must then be made widely available in a timely manner. Whether provided by governments or other third party sources, index measurements must be widely disseminated and secure from tampering.

3.      Precise actuarial modeling:  Insurers will not sell index insurance products unless they can understand the statistical properties of the underlying index. This requires both sufficient historical data on the index and actuarial models that use these data to predict the likelihood of various index measures.

4.      Education:  Index insurance policies are typically much simpler than traditional farm-level insurance policies. However, since the policies are significantly different than traditional insurance policies, some education is generally required to help potential users assess whether or not index insurance instruments can provide them with effective risk management. Insurers and/or government agencies can help by providing training strategies and materials not only for farmers, but also for other potential users such as bankers and agribusinesses.

5.      Marketing:  A marketing plan must be developed that addresses how, when, and where index insurance policies are to be sold. Also, the government and other involved institutions must consider whether to allow secondary markets in index insurance instruments and, if so, how to facilitate and regulate those markets.

6.      Reinsurance:  In most transition economies, insurance companies do not have the financial resources to offer index insurance without adequate and affordable reinsurance. Effective arrangements must therefore be forged between local insurers, international reinsurers, national governments, and possibly international development organizations.

Index insurance is a different approach to insuring crop yields. Unlike most insurance where independent risk is a precondition, the precondition for index insurance to work best for the individual farmer is correlated risk. It is possible to offer index contracts to anyone at risk when there is an area-wide (correlated) crop failure. Furthermore, unlike traditional insurance, there is no reason to place the same limits on the amount of liability an individual purchases.

As long as the individual farmer cannot influence the outcome that results in payments, then placing limits on liability is not necessary as it is with individual insurance contracts. Finally, the true advantage of blending index insurance into banking is that the banking entity can use such contracts to manage correlated risk. In turn, the bank should be able to work with the individual to help them manage the residual risk or basis risk. In simple terms, if the individual has an independent loss when the index insurance does not pay, they should be able to borrow from the bank to smooth that shock. This could effectively remove the primary concern associated with index insurance contracts ¾ that someone can have a loss and not be paid.

As more sophisticated systems are developed to measure events that cause widespread problems (such as satellite imagery) it is possible that indexing major events will be more straightforward and accepted by international capital markets. Under these conditions, it may become possible to offer insurance to countries where traditional reinsurers and primary providers would previously have never considered. Insurance is about trust. If the system to index a major event is reliable and trustworthy, there are truly new opportunities in the world to offer a wide array of index insurance products.

What is Needed to Make the Innovation Work?

There are market makers who are keenly interested in offering rainfall index insurance in developing countries. For example, PartnerRE New Solutions from Connecticut presented the following list of items that are needed to get them interested in offering such contracts[4]

ü      Historic Weather Data

ü      Prefer 30+ years of data, especially to cover extreme risk

ü      Limited Missing Values and Out of Range Values

ü      Prefer Less than 1% Missing

ü      Data Integrity

ü      Availability of a nearby station for a “buddy check”

ü      Consistency of Observation Techniques: Manual vs. Automated

ü      Limited changes of Instrumentation / Orientation / Configuration

ü      Reliable settlement Mechanism

ü      Integrity of recording procedure

ü      Little potential for measurement tampering

The Role of Technology in Providing Needed Information

In recent years, state-of-the-art methods to forecast food shortages created by bad weather have significantly improved. For example, the East African Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS) is now able to provide reliable estimates of the deviation below normal up to 90 days prior to serious problems. These systems use a variety of information: 1) satellite images; 2) weather data from traditional ground instruments; 3) weather data from new systems, and 4) sampling from grasslands to determine nutrient content. More importantly, these systems allow problems to be forecast at a local level using geographic information systems. Since many of the early warning systems have now been in place for as long as twenty years, it is now possible to model the risk and begin pricing insurance contracts that match the risk profile.

Reinsurance and Weather Markets

Much can be said about the international reinsurance community and their resistance to entering new and untested markets. The use of the capital markets for sharing “in-between” risks remains in the infant stages, leaving the issue of capacity and efficiency in doubt. This raises questions about the role of government in sharing such risk. For the United States, Lewis and Murdock (1996) recommend government catastrophic options that are auctioned to reinsurers. Part of the thinking is that the government has adequate capital to back stop such options and may be less likely to load these options as much as the reinsurance market. Skees and Barnett (1999) have also written about a role for government in offering insurance options for catastrophes as a means of getting affordable capital into the market. However, the demand for catastrophic insurance will be limited where free disaster assistance is available.

Reinsurers have now acquired many of the professionals who were trading weather. SwissRe acquired professionals from Enron and PartnerRe and ACE acquired professionals from Aquila. Reinsurers are now in a position to offer reinsurance using weather-based indexes. This type of reinsurance should be more affordable since it is not subject to the same adverse selection and moral hazard problems as traditional insurance.

Country Case Examples for Using Index Insurance

Mexico: Use of Weather Index Insurance for Mutual Insurance, Reinsurance, and to Facilitate Water Markets

Mexico has experience with using weather indexes to reinsure their crop insurance. Developments within the weather markets prompted new thinking about sharing catastrophic risk in agriculture. In 2001, the Mexican agricultural insurance program (Agroasemex) used the weather markets to reinsure part of their multiple crop insurance programs. By using weather indexes that were based on temperature and rainfall in the major production regions, a weather index was created that was highly correlated with the Mexican crop insurance loss experience. This method of reinsurance proved to be more efficient than traditional reinsurance.

The Mexican contract is an important development for many of the ideas presented in this paper. But beyond the use of weather indexes for reinsurance, Agroasemex also has begun working with Fondos, mutual insurance funds whose members are commercially oriented small farmers, to implement programs whereby they would purchase weather index insurance and then decide what type of mutual insurance to provide their members. These efforts remain in the early development stages.

Agroasemex researchers are also pursing the idea of using index insurance as a means of providing important linkages to the emerging water markets in Mexico. Under such a plan, the water irrigation authority would offer a certain amount of water or indemnity payments in years when water availability restricted how much irrigation water could be delivered. In principle, such an offering should improve the efficiency of water markets and provide improved incentives to irrigation authorities to manage water in such a fashion that they are making commitments to users (Skees and Zeuli, 1999).

Mongolia ¾ Using Livestock Mortality Rates as Index Insurance to Cover Deaths of Large Numbers of Animals in Mongolia

Herders in Mongolia have suffered tremendous losses in recent dzud (major event, ex. winter disasters) with mortality rates of over 50 percent of the livestock in some locales. Recent work by the World Bank has focused on the feasibility of offering insurance to compensate for animal deaths. Such an undertaking is challenging in any country. Mongolia offers even more challenges given the vast territory in which herders tend over 30 million animals. Traditional insurance approaches that insure individual animals are simply not workable. The ability to understand even the simplest issue of who owns specific livestock would require very high transaction costs. The opportunities for fraud and abuse are significant. Monitoring costs required to mitigate this behavior would be very high.

Work is moving ahead for using the livestock mortality rate at a local level (e.g. the sum or rural district) as the basis for indemnifying herders. Plans are to launch a pilot test of this program in the summer of 2005. No country has so far implemented such insurance for livestock deaths. But few countries have such frequent and high rates of localized animal deaths as does Mongolia, and Mongolia is one of the few countries to perform an animal census every year. This concept may therefore be precisely what is needed to start a social livestock insurance program.

India ¾ Linking Index Insurance to Microfinance (BASIX)

India began a privately supported pilot program on rainfall insurance in 2003 (Hess). ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company began a pilot insurance program that will pay farmers when there are shortfalls in rainfall in one area and pay others in case of excess rain. ICICI Lombard offers the drought cover policies via a small microfinance bank in southern India (BASIX) and the excess rain covers through the ICICI Bank. Such contracts offer the distinct advantage of solving the delayed payment problem that exist with India’s current area yield insurance program.

BASIX launched its first weather insurance program in July 2003 through its local area bank KBS in Mahbubnagar. Local area banks are limited to operations in three adjacent districts and therefore face limited natural portfolio diversification, which helped to convince KBS that weather insurance contracts for its borrowers could mitigate the natural default risk inherent in lending in drought prone areas such as Mahbubnagar, at the extreme eastern end of Andhra Pradesh, bordering Karnataka.

ICICI Lombard also offered excess rain policies to around 5,000 wheat farmers in Uttar Pradesh (in conjunction with ICICI Bank) and 150 soya farmers in Madhya Pradesh in 2003/2004 (in conjunction with BASIX).

D Sattaiah of BASIX presented updates on the progress[5] of the index insurance recently. He reports that they plan to improve the product and expand to target over 1,500 farmers in Andhra Pradesh in 2004. Further, BASIX itself is now interested in purchasing the index to protect their portfolio risk for three unit office operating locations. Sattaiah goes on to point to a list of improvements that are needed in the program offerings:

ü      Simplification of the pay-out structure.

ü      Reference to local rainfall stations.

ü      Add excess rainfall as another risk to be covered.

ü      Introduced phased payouts so that farmers don’t have to wait until the end of the season.

ü      Improve client awareness on the product offerings.

ü      More frequent meeting with farmers to clarify doubts.

ü      Use of opinion leaders for information dissemination.

ü      Build credibility of external systems.

ü      Install village rain gauges.

ü      Provide comparison with the reference station.

In addition to the introduction of rainfall index insurance by BASIX, Mosley also describes an alternative form of insurance that has been offered by BASIX. The BASIX program operates similarly to a cooperative and relies on peer monitoring to reduce incidences of moral hazard and adverse selection. Village committees perform individual loss adjustments. Because payments are based on individual losses, premium rates are higher than the Ugandan CERUDEB program, at 20 percent. Half of the premium is deposited into the village fund, a quarter goes to BASIX, and the remainder goes towards the inter-village fund that provides indemnity payments.

Recommendations for Blending Index Insurance and Rural Finance

Progress has been made in designing and offering index insurance contracts for a variety of correlated risk in developing countries. The motivation for using index insurance contracts rather than individual indemnity has been developed. Index insurance can shift correlated risk out of small countries into the global market. To the extent that the index is based upon a secure and objective measure of risk, this approach provides an important risk shifting innovation for developing countries where the legal structure for more sophisticated insurance products is commonly woefully inadequate. Index insurance contracts involve significantly lower transaction costs and can be offered directly to end users from companies that operate in a global market, particularly if the end user is positioned to aggregate large amounts of risk (e.g., MFEs).

It is possible that offering index insurance directly to the MFE can circumvent bad government, poor macroeconomic policies, and inadequate legal frameworks. To the extent that the writer of the index insurance is a reputable global partner, the MFE could pay premiums in dollars and be paid indemnities in dollars as well. This would mitigate inflation risk within the country. The legal framework that is needed to allow MFEs to purchase these contracts from a global writer should be much more straightforward than the legal framework needed to offer traditional insurance.  The major challenge within the developing country will be in knowing that the global partner has the reputation and the resources to pay indemnities.  Should the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group become more involved in partnering on writing index insurance contracts for price, yield, weather, and livestock, many of these concerns could be eased.

The issue of basis risk has been of some concern if one is selling index insurance contracts to individuals. However, if these contracts are sold to MFEs, the MFE should be in a position to mitigate basis risk in a number of creative ways. It is useful to illustrate some potential arrangements that could emerge between global sellers of index insurance contracts and rural finance entities. Consider a microfinance group or a small rural finance entity (MFE) with members having household activities in the same neighborhood. While this group of individuals may use many informal mechanisms to pool risk and assist individuals when bad fortune visits one of their members, they are unable to cope with a major event such as drought that adversely impacts all members at the same time.

If the group could purchase an index insurance contract that would simply make payments based upon the level of rainfall (an excellent proxy for drought), the group would be in a much better position to cope when everyone suffers a loss at the same time. The MFE would need to develop ex ante rules regarding how indemnity payments from index insurance would be used. Three examples of how those ex ante rules may be developed are presented for illustration.

Indemnity Payments Could be Used to Forgive Debt

Since making loans is a major activity of most MFEs, the ability to repay the loans will likely be in jeopardy when there is an event that adversely impacts everyone. Having loan defaults from a large number of borrowers at the same time is likely to put the MFE at some risk. Thus, indemnity payments from index insurance can be used to offset defaults that occur due to natural disaster. Effectively, indemnity payments become a form of credit default insurance. The MFE would still need to implement rules regarding debt forgiveness for individuals.

Indemnity Payments Could be Used to Facilitate a Form of Mutual Insurance

The indemnity payment from index insurance could be directly distributed to members of the MFE via insurance-like rules that are determined by the members. Given that only actual indemnity payments received would be distributed, a common problem among mutual insurance providers in developing countries would be avoided ¾ inadequate cash to pay for indemnities that are specified in insurance contracts (McCord, 2003). To the extent that the MFE is relatively small and members know one another, the asymmetric information problems discussed earlier would be avoided. This, of course, is the advantage of mutual insurance.

Indemnity Payments Could be Used to Facilitate Better Terms of Credit

Since lending is an excellent means of smoothing consumption when there are unexpected cash flow problems, the MFE could tie the index insurance directly into the loan arrangements. Loans that are made immediately following a good season where no indemnity payments are made could be higher than normal to collect premiums that would pay for the index insurance. Interest rates could be lowered using indemnity payments directly, immediately after a major event. Interest rate reductions could be tied directly to the severity of the event. (Parchure, 2002).

Challenges and the Path Ahead

While there are many challenges to making some of the ideas presented here work, possibly the most significant among them involves paying for insurance. This is especially true if one expects the rural poor to pay. Premiums for some natural disaster risk could be quite expensive. Goes and Skees (2003) have been working with the concept of persuading those who give to victims of natural disasters ex post, that ex ante giving might be more effective. In fact, there are potentially some financial advantages to individuals to provide ex ante donations. NGOs and charities of all types have been quick to respond when a natural disaster such as a major drought or the Mongolia dzud victimizes the rural poor. Dumping in supplies or even large sums of money after the event is highly inefficient and many questions can be raised about who obtains the benefits.

To the extent that a credible risk consortium could be developed to write index-based insurance contracts for a wide array of disaster risk, NGOs and charities may be better served by purchasing these contracts. This would give them the needed resources for quick response. Further, they would have more influence in working with local groups regarding ex ante rules about how to spend the money.

Progress has been made on the ideas presented in this paper. While reliable historic data are important, integrity of data is still among the most significant requirements for gaining confidence from global markets that might be willing to take on natural hazard risk. Anyone interested in making these ideas work must pay close attention to the advice of global market makers. BASIX in India is in the best position to make many of the ideas for linking MFEs and index insurance work. In addition, COPEME of Peru has now contracted with GlobalAgRisk to pursue some of these ideas[6]. Among the most promising is the use of index insurance to protect the portfolio of MFEs. In the coming years, one can expect to see these innovations adopted and modified to the local settings. Linking index insurance to MFEs can help in layering risk and using appropriate institutions to manage different types of risk.


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[1] See Skees et al. (2002) for development of the same infrastructure on weather disasters in several settings: 1) as a replacement for traditional crop insurance; 2) as a means to insure groups of farmers and facilitate mutual insurance; 3) as a means of providing more affordable reinsurance for traditional crop insurance, and 4) as a mechanism to trigger objective disaster payments.

[2] The limitations on both Coverage and Scale were politically dictated. In principle, there is no reason that these parameters would need to be limited with index contracts. Still it is common to set some limits on how much index insurance a farmer can purchase. Some estimates of value-at-risk may be used for this purpose. For the GRP program, the farmer must certify the planted acreage used to calculate liability.

[3] Personal email communication with Mr. Paul Cudmore of Agricorp, Canada, October 23, 2001.

[4] Brian Tobben presented these items at the Annual Meeting of the International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management, Jointly Sponsored by the FAO and the World Bank at the FAO, Rome, 5 and 6 May, 2004.

[5] D. Sattaiah presented these items at the Annual Meeting of the International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management, Jointly Sponsored by the FAO and the World Bank at the FAO, Rome, 5 and 6 May, 2004.

[6] This contract is funded by USAID and GTZ. COPEME is an association that represents a number of microfinance entities operating in Peru. In early meetings with management of the MFEs, they understood the potential value of such contracts that would allow them to shift some of the most catastrophic risk to capital markets.


A Practical Method for Adjusting the Premium Rates in Crop-Hail Insurance with Short-Term Insurance Data

The frequency of hailstorms is generally low in small geographic areas. In other words, it may be very likely that hailstorm occurrences will vary between neighboring locations within a short period of time. Besides, a newly launched insurance scheme lacks the data. It is, therefore, difficult to sustain a sound insurance program under these circumstances, with premium rates based on meteorological data without a complimentary adjustment process.


Malta - Vegetable production dropped 7% in 2018

Last year, Malta’s local vegetable produce dropped by 7% when compared to the previous year. The total vegetables produced in tonnes amounted to 58,178, down by 7% when compared to 2017. Their value too diminished as the total produce was valued at €30 million, down by 13% over the previous year. The most significant drop was in potatoes, down by 27% over the previous year. Tomatoes and onions were the only vegetables to have increased in volume, by 3% and 4% respectively but their value diminished by 9% and 24% respectively. The figures were published by the National Statistics Office on the event of World Food Day 2019, which will be celebrated on Wednesday. Cauliflower, cabbage and lettuce produce dropped by 10%, 3%, and 12% respectively. In the realm of local fruit, a drop of produce was registered here too apart from strawberries, which experienced a whopping increase of 58% over 2017. Total fruit produced in 2018 amounted to 13,057 tonnes, down by 1% when compared to 2017. The total produce was valued at €10 million, a 3% increase in value. Peaches produced were down by 35% and the 376 tonnes of peaches cultivated amounted to €0.5 million in value. Orange produce dropped by 10% and lemon produce dropped by 14%. There was no change in the amount of grapes produced and the 3,642 tonnes of grapes produced in 2018 were valued at €2.3 million. 70% of fruit and vegetables consumed in Malta is imported. The drop in local produce could be the result of deleterious or unsuitable weather patterns. Source -


USA - Greenhouse tomato production spans most states

While Florida and California accounted for 76 percent of U.S. production of field-grown tomatoes in 2016, greenhouse production and use of other protected-culture technologies help extend the growing season and make production feasible in a wider variety of geographic locations. Some greenhouse production is clustered in traditional field-grown-tomato-producing States like California. However, high concentrations of greenhouses are also located in Nebraska, Minnesota, New York, and other States that are not traditional market leaders. Among the benefits that greenhouse tomato producers can realize are greater market access both in the off-season and in northern retail produce markets, better product consistency, and improved yields. These benefits make greenhouse tomato production an increasingly attractive alternative to field production despite higher production costs. In addition to domestic production, a significant share of U.S. consumption of greenhouse tomatoes is satisfied by imports. In 2004, U.S., Mexican, and Canadian growers each contributed about 300 million pounds of greenhouse tomatoes annually to the U.S. fresh tomato market. Since then, Mexico’s share of the greenhouse tomato market has grown sharply, accounting for almost 84 percent (1.8 billion pounds) of the greenhouse volume coming into the U.S. market. Source -


World cherry production will decrease to 3.6 million tons

According to information from the USDA for the 2019-2020 season, world cherry production is expected to decrease slightly and amount to 3.6 million tons. This decline is due to the damages that the weather caused on cherry crops in the European Union. Even though Chile is expected to achieve a record export, world trade in cherries is expected to drop to 454,000 tons, based on lower shipments from Uzbekistan and the US. Turkey Turkey's production is expected to increase to 865,000. As a result of the strong export demand, producers continue to invest and improve their orchards, switching to high yield varieties and gradually expanding the surface for sweet cherries. More supplies are expected to increase exports to a record 78,000 tons, continuing its long upward trend. Chile Chile's production is forecast to increase from 30,000 tons to 231,000 as they have a larger area of mature trees. Between 2009/10 and 2018/19, the crop area has almost tripled, a trend that is expected to continue. The country is expected to export up to 205,000 tons in higher supplies. The percentage of exports destined for China has increased from 13 to almost 90% since 2009/10. China China's production is expected to increase by up to 24% and to amount to 420,000 tons, due to the recovery of the orchards that were damaged by frost last year. In addition, there are new crops that will go into production. Imports are expected to increase by 15,000 tons and to stand at 195,000 tons, as the increase in supplies from Chile will more than compensate for the lower shipments from the United States. Although higher tariffs are maintained for American cherries, the United States is expected to remain China's main supplier in the northern hemisphere. United States US production is expected to remain stable at 450,000 tons. Imports are expected to increase to 18,000 tons with more supplies available from Chile. Exports are forecast to decrease for the second consecutive year to 80,000 tons, as high retaliatory tariffs continue to suppress US shipments to China. If this happens, it will be the first time that US cherry exports experience a decrease in 2 consecutive years since 2002/03, when production suffered a fall of 44%. European Union EU production is projected to fall by more than 20%, remaining at 648,000 tons because of the hail that affected the early varieties in Italy, and the frost, low temperatures, and drought that caused a significant loss of fruit in Poland, the main producer. Lower supplies are expected to pressure exports to 15,000 tons and increase imports to 55,000 tons. Russia Russia's imports are expected to contract by 13,000 tons to 80,000 with lower supplies from Kazakhstan, Moldova, and Serbia. Source -


EU - 20% fewer apples and 14% fewer pears than last year

This year's European apple production is expected to come to 10,556,000 tons. That is 20% less than last year. It is also 8% less than the average over the past three years. The European pear harvest is expected to be 2,047,000 tons. This is 14% lower than last year and 9% less than the previous three seasons average. These figures are according to the World Apple and Pear Association, WAPA's top fruit prognoses. They presented their report at Prognosfruit this morning. Apple harvest per country Poland is Europe's apple-growing giant. This country is expected to process 44% fewer apples. The yield is expected to be 2,710,000 tons. Last year, this was still 4,810,000 tons. In Italy, yields are only three percent lower than last year. According to WAPA, this country will have an apple harvest of 2,195,000 tons. France takes third place. They will even have 12% more apples than last year to process - 1,652,000 tons. Pear harvest per country With 511,000 tons, Italy's pear harvest is much lower than last year. It has dropped by 30%. In terms of the average over the previous three seasons, this fruit's yield is 29% lower. In the Netherlands, the pear harvest is expected to be six percent lower, at 379,000 tons. This volume is still 3% more than the average over the last three years. Belgium has 10% fewer pears (331,000 tons) than last year. They are just ahead of Spain. With 311,000 tons, Spain who will harvest four percent more pears. Apple harvest per variety The Golden Delicious remains, by far, the largest apple variety in Europe. It is expected that 2,327,000 tons of these apples will be harvested this year. This is three percent less than last year. At 1,467,000 tons, Gala estimations are exactly the same as last year. The European Elstar harvest will also be roughly equivalent to last year. A volume of 355,000 tons of this variety is expected. Pear harvest per variety Looking at the different varieties, the European Conference is estimated to be 8% lower than last year. A volume of 910,000 tons is expected. The low Italian pear estimate will result in 34% fewer Abate Fetel pears (211,000 tons) being available. This is according to WAPA's estimate. This makes this variety smaller than the Williams BC (230.000 ton) in Europe. Source -


Spring frost losses and climate change not a contradiction in terms - Munich Re

Between 17 April and 10 May 2017, large parts of Europe were hit by a cold snap that brought a series of overnight frosts. As the budding process was already well advanced due to an exceptionally warm spring, losses reached historic levels – particularly for fruit and wine growers: economic losses are estimated at €3.3bn, with around €600m of this insured. In the second and third ten-day periods of April, and in some cases even over the first ten days of May 2017, western, central, southern and eastern Europe experienced a series of frosty nights, with catastrophic consequences in many places for fruit growing and viticulture. The worst-affected countries were Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Spain and Switzerland. Losses were so high because vegetation was already well advanced following an exceptionally warm spell of weather in March that continued into the early part of April. For example, the average date of apple flowering in 2017 for Germany as a whole was 20 April, seven days earlier than the average for the period 1992 to 2016. In many parts of Germany, including the Lake Constance fruit-growing region, it even began before 15 April. In the case of cherry trees – whose average flowering date in Germany in 2017 was 6 April – it was as much as twelve days earlier than the long-term average. The frost had a devastating impact because of the early start of the growing season in many parts of Europe. In the second half of April, it affected the sensitive blossoms, the initial fruiting stages and the first frost-susceptible shoots on vines. Meteorological conditions The weather conditions that accounted for the frosty nights are a typical feature of April, and also the reason for the month’s proverbial reputation for changeable weather. The corridor of fast-moving upper air flow, also known as the polar front, forms in such a way that it moves in over central Europe from northwesterly directions near Iceland. This north or northwest pattern frequently occurs if there is high air pressure over the eastern part of the North Atlantic, and lower air pressure over the Baltic and the northwest of Russia. Repeated low-pressure areas move along this corridor towards Europe, bringing moist and cold air masses behind their cold fronts from the areas of Greenland and Iceland. Occasionally, the high-pressure area can extend far over the continent in an easterly direction. The flow then brings dry, cold air to central Europe from high continental latitudes moving in a clockwise direction around the high. It was precisely this set of weather conditions with its higher probability of overnight frost that dominated from mid-April to the end of the month. There were frosts with temperatures falling below –5°C, in particular from 17 to 24 April (second and third ten-day periods of April), and even into the first ten-day period of May in eastern Europe. The map in Fig. 2 shows the areas that experienced night-time temperatures of –2°C and below in April/May. High losses in fruit and wine growing Frost damage to plants comes from intracellular ice formation. The cell walls collapse and the plant mass then dries out. The loss pattern is therefore similar to what is seen after a drought. Agricultural crops are at varying risk from frost in the different phases of growth. They are especially sensitive during flowering and shortly after budding, as was the case with fruit and vines in April 2017 due to the early onset of the growing season. That was why the losses were so exceptionally high in this instance. In Spain, the cold snap also affected cereals, which were already flowering by this date. Even risk experts were surprised at the geographic extent and scale of the losses (overall losses: €3.3bn, insured losses: approximately €600m). Overall losses were highest in Italy and France, with figures of approximately a billion euros recorded in each country. Two basic concepts for frost insurance As frost has always been considered a destructive natural peril for fruit and wine growing and horticulture, preventive measures are widespread. In horticulture, for example, plants are cultivated in greenhouses or under covers, while in fruit growing, frost-protection measures include the use of sprinkler irrigation as well as wind machines or helicopters to mix the air layers. Just how effective these methods prove to be will depend on meteorological conditions, which is precisely why risk transfer is so important in this sector. There are significant differences between one country and the next in terms of insurability and insurance solutions. But essentially there are two basic concepts available for frost insurance: indemnity insurance, where hail cover is extended to include frost or other perils yield guarantee insurance covering all natural perils In most countries, the government subsidises insurance premiums, which means that insurance penetration is higher. In Germany, where premiums are not subsidised and frost insurance density is low, individual federal states like Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg have committed to providing aid to farms that have suffered losses – including aid for insurable crops such as wine grapes and strawberries. Late frosts and climate change There are very clear indications that climate change is bringing forward both the start of the vegetation period and the date of the last spring frost. Whether the spring frost hazard increases or decreases with climate change depends on which of the two occurs earlier. There is thus a race between these two processes: if the vegetation period in any given region begins increasingly earlier compared with the date of the last spring frost, the hazard will increase over the long term. If the opposite is the case, the hazard diminishes. Because of the different climate zones in Europe, the race between these processes is likely to vary considerably. Whereas the east is more heavily influenced by the continental climate, regions close to the Atlantic coastline in the west enjoy a much milder spring. A study has shown that climate change is likely to significantly reduce the spring frost risk in viticulture in Luxembourg along the River Moselle1. The number of years with spring frost between 2021 and 2050 is expected to be 40% lower than in the period 1961 to 1990. By contrast, a study on fruit-growing regions in Germany2 concluded that all areas will see an increase in the number of days with spring frost, especially the Lake Constance region, where reduced yields are projected until the end of this century. At the same time, however, only a few preliminary studies have been carried out on this subject, so uncertainty prevails. Outlook The spring frost in 2017 illustrated the scale that such an event can assume, and just how high losses in fruit growing and viticulture can be. Because the period of vegetation is starting earlier and earlier in the year as a result of climate change, spring frost losses could increase in the future, assuming the last spring frost is not similarly early. It is reasonable to assume that these developments will be highly localised, depending on whether the climate is continental or maritime, and whether a location is at altitude or in a valley. Regional studies with projections based on climate models are still in short supply and at an early stage of research. However, one first important finding is that the projected decrease in days with spring frost does not in any way imply a reduction in the agricultural spring frost risk for a region. So spring frosts could well result in greater fluctuations in agricultural yields. In addition to preventive measures, such as the use of fleece covers at night, sprinkler irrigation and the deployment of wind machines, it will therefore be essential to supplement risk management in fruit growing and viticulture with crop insurance that covers all natural perils. Source - ttps://


Russia Livestock Overview: Cattle, Swine, Sheep & Goats

Private plots generate 48 percent of cattle, 43 percent of swine and 54 percent of sheep and goats in Russia.  The Russian government recently approved a new program that will succeed the National Priority Project in agriculture (NPP) titled, “TheState Program for Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Food and Agricultural Markets in 2008-2012,” that encourages pork and beef production and attempts to address Russia’s declining cattle numbers.  This program includes import-substitution policies designed to stimulate domestic livestock production and to protect local producers. In the beginning of 2007, the economic environment for swine production was generally unfavorable.  The average production cost was RUR40-45/kilo of live weight, while the farm gate price was RUR40/kilo live weight.  Pork producers have been expressing concern for years about sales after implementation of the NPP as pork consumption is growing at a slower rate than pork production.  As a result, the pork sector has been lobbying the Russian government to regulate imports in spite of the meat TRQ agreement. From January-September 2007, 1.38 million metric tons (MMT) of red meat was imported.  A 12-year decline in beef production has resulted in limited beef availability in the Russian market leading to a spike in prices.  In response, the Russian government has been force to take steps to increase the availability of beef by lifting a meat ban on Poland and by looking to Latin America for higher volumes of product.  Feed stocks decreased during the first 11 months of 2007 compared to the previous year which will likely create even greater financial problems for livestock operations in 2008 as feed prices continue to skyrocket.  Grain prices increased rapidly in Russia through the middle of July 2007 before stabilizing at high levels as harvest progress reports were released. The Russian pig crop is expected to increase by 6 percent in 2008, while cattle herds are predicted to decrease by 3.5 percent.  Some meat market analysts predict that by 2012, as new and modernized pig farming complexes reach planned capacity, pork production could reach 3.5 MMT – up 75 percent from 2008 estimates. According to the Russian Statistics Agency (Rosstat), 1/3 of all Russian “large farms” are unprofitable.  Many of these are involved in livestock production.  Small, inefficient producers are uncompetitive and have already begun disappearing from the market. The Russian veterinary service continues to playa decisive role in meat import supply management. Source -


Statistics Canada : Farm income, 2011

Realized net income for Canadian farmers amounted to $5.7 billion in 2011, a 53.1% increase from 2010. This rise followed a 19.0% increase in 2010 and a 19.6% decline in 2009. Realized income is the difference between a farmer's cash receipts and operating expenses, minus depreciation, plus income in kind. Realized net income fell in four provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia. In each, increases in costs outpaced gains in receipts. Farm cash receipts Farm cash receipts, which include market receipts from crop and livestock sales as well as program payments, rose 11.9% to $49.8 billion in 2011. This was the first increase since 2008. Market receipts alone increased 12.0% to $46.3 billion. Crop receipts, which increased 15.8% to $25.9 billion, contributed the most to the increase. Sales from livestock products rose 7.5% to $20.3 billion, the largest annual increase since 2005. Stronger prices for grains and oilseeds played a major role in the increase in crop revenues. For example, canola receipts increased 37.3% in 2011 on the strength of a 27.3% gain in prices. Grains and oilseed prices started rising in the last half of 2010 as a result of limited global stocks and strong demand. Even though prices peaked in mid-2011, prices for the year, on average, remained well above 2010 levels. Crop receipts rose in every province except Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador. In Manitoba, difficult growing conditions reduced marketings of most grains and oilseeds. In Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, increases in potato prices and marketings helped push crop receipts higher. It was also stronger prices that were behind the rise in livestock receipts. Hog receipts increased 15.5% to $3.9 billion on the strength of a 14.7% price increase. Cattle prices rose 19.5% in 2011, while receipts increased 1.1% because of a reduced supply of market animals. Hog, cattle and calf prices increased in 2010. The upward trend continued throughout most of 2011, primarily because of low North American inventories and high feed grain costs. Receipts for producers in the three supply-managed sectors-dairy, poultry and eggs-increased 7.9% as rising prices reflected higher costs for feed grain and other production inputs. A 14.9% rise in chicken receipts exceeded increases for eggs (+8.7%) and dairy products (+5.3%). Program payments increased 11.2% to $3.5 billion in 2011. Increases in Quebec provincial stabilization payments as well as crop insurance payments in Manitoba and Saskatchewan accounted for much of the rise. Farm expenses Farm operating expenses (after rebates) were up 8.4% to $38.3 billion in 2011, the second-largest percentage increase since 1981. This increase followed two consecutive years of modest declines. Higher prices for fertilizer, feed and machinery fuel contributed to the increase in operating expenses. According to the Farm Input Price Index, both fertilizer and machinery fuel prices were up by over 25% in 2011. At the same time, feed grain prices increased by more than 30%. When depreciation charges were included, total farm expenses increased 8.2% to $44.1 billion. Depreciation costs rose 6.9%. Total farm expenses advanced in every province in 2011. The largest percentage increases occurred in Saskatchewan (+12.3%), Quebec (+9.5%) and Alberta (+9.0%). Total net income Total net income reached $5.8 billion, a $3.3 billion gain. There were large increases in Saskatchewan (+$2.1 billion), Alberta (+$567 million) and Ontario (+$470 million), while Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Manitoba saw declines. Total net income adjusts realized net income for changes in farmer-owned inventories of crops and livestock. It represents the return to owner's equity, unpaid labour, and management and risk. The total value of farm-owned inventories rose by $165 million in 2011. A strong increase in deferred grain payments together with the first increase in cattle inventories since 2004 contributed to the rise. Note to readersRealized net income can vary widely from farm to farm because of several factors, including commodities, prices, weather and economies of scale. This and other aggregate measures of farm income are calculated on a provincial basis employing the same concepts used in measuring the performance of the overall Canadian economy. They are a measure of farm business income, not farm household income. Financial data for 2011 collected at the individual farm business level using surveys and other administrative sources will soon be tabulated and made available. These data will help explain differences in performance of various types and sizes of farms. For details on farm cash receipts for the first three quarters of 2012, see today's "Farm cash receipts" release. As a result of the release of data from the 2011 Census of Agriculture on May 10, 2012, data on farm cash receipts, operating expenses, net income, capital value and other data contained in the Agriculture Economic Statistics series are being revised, where necessary. The complete set of revisions will be released in the November 26, 2013, edition of The Daily. Table 1 Net farm income 2009 2010r 2011p 2009 to 2010 2010 to 2011 millions of dollars % change + Total farm cash receipts including payments 44,599 44,466 49,772 -0.3 11.9 - Total operating expenses after rebates 36,052 35,315 38,276 -2.0 8.4 = Net cash income 8,547 9,151 11,496 7.1 25.6 + Income-in-kind 39 40 45 2.6 11.1 - Depreciation 5,471 5,483 5,864 0.2 6.9 = Realized net income 3,115 3,709 5,677 19.0 53.1 + Value of inventory change -281 -1,157 165 ... ... = Total net income 2,834 2,551 5,842 ... ... Table 2 Net farm income, by province Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec millions of dollars 2010r + Total farm cash receipts including payments 44,466 118 407 500 479 7,171 - Total operating expenses after rebates 35,315 106 367 422 406 5,472 = Net cash income 9,151 12 41 78 73 1,699 + Income-in-kind 40 0 0 1 1 10 - Depreciation 5,483 8 41 59 54 727 = Realized net income 3,709 4 0 19 20 983 + Value of inventory change -1,157 -0 18 0 9 13 = Total net income 2,551 4 18 19 29 996 2011p + Total farm cash receipts including payments 49,772 120 477 527 533 7,967 - Total operating expenses after rebates 38,276 114 391 448 424 6,018 = Net cash income 11,496 6 86 79 109 1,949 + Income-in-kind 45 0 0 1 1 11 - Depreciation 5,864 9 43 62 55 767 = Realized net income 5,677 -2 43 18 55 1,194 + Value of inventory change 165 -0 -12 2 -50 -24 = Total net income 5,842 -3 31 20 5 1,170 Source -

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